Friday, September 14, 2012


It was so long ago since he last thought about it.
Back then he did everything he could to figure out what he really wanted; thinking through the decision on his mind, over-analyzing it. He was inexplicably hesitant; it drained him mentally although it was crystal clear. He just didn't know it yet. He wished he could un-obsess, but he couldn’t. With each passing day he thought about it even more.
At the back of his mind he knew what he needed, but he made himself believe that he wasn’t sure that what he wanted and what he needed were the same thing.

But now, sitting right there in front of her made him smile. He wanted to alter reality so that he could un-live any moment spent before this, un-remember any day of over-thinking, un-dream any other dream not related to her. Nothing ever made sense like this, not even remotely.
By going back in time and remembering, he knew he should have been bolder. Every word, each thought on the back of his mind, every little thing was perfectly right.

In his heart of hearts, he knew this was right. He just had to face himself with it. All of this made him figure out that he didn’t want to be just a good guy anymore; he wanted to be a hell of a man. Now, immediately.

He was proud he took a correct decision. They took the correct decision by being together, by sticking together through it all and now he knows that he can face the faceless days as long as she is there by his side.

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